Running for a cure
SPONSOR ME LINK : This is my personal link to sponsor me for this important cause.
This May I will be running my 4th Sydney Half Marathon. This year I decided to make my efforts more worthwhile by raising funds for Breast Cancer Trials. Breast Cancer Trials is a research organisation that is committed to improving treatment outcomes for women with breast cancer.
One of Breast Cancer Trials most significant achievements was the POEMS Trial. POEMS (premature onset of early menopause) is a side effect in young women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. The POEMS trial and use of a drug called Goserlin has allowed young breast cancer survivors to remain fertile. To read more about Breast Cancer Trials achievements and current research go to their website ttps://
My motivation for supporting breast cancer trials is both personal and professional. On a personal level I know people who are fighting breast cancer, many are in long stages of remission but still need support to cope with the ongoing side effects. I don’t think there is anyone who is not in some way effected by breast cancer.
On a professional level my interest in breast cancer supporting my clients who are diagnosed with this aggressive disease. Nutritional medicine supports breast cancer by:
reducing side effects of the treatment,
aiding recovery of surgery and treatments
improving their general wellbeing and energy levels
and supporting their immune system during and after treatment.
My training for this years Sydney Half Marathon has given me a special purpose. I hope that all my clients friends and family who follow Holy Mackerel Health can help out by sponsoring my in this worthwhile challenge of running for a cure.